Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Considering Life Insurance

What people do not admit yet is that having a life insurance is one of the primary needs. Even though this sounds a little bit preachy and commercial, to have a life insurance is like to save the invoice of a pair of shoes for your special one when you are not sure about the exact size of them. In other words, it guarantees the material payback in case something unexpected befalls to you. In that point, that is the reason why life insurance is needed.

The need of life guarantee forces people to find out the best life insurance policy. Unfortunately, people are simply look for the best policy, yet they do not mind the other factor such as whether it is reasonable, in which, most of the time, the best policy is often highly priced.

Buying “the best” life insurance policy, commonly, makes people proud, even though what people need is the “reasonable” policy. To carefully consider the policy and price offered by a certain insurance company is a must, unless pride is attached. There are many cases people cut their insurance simply for they cannot afford the policy anymore.

Urgently Need Money? Apply for Payday Loans

            If you do need money urgently, you only have one option: applying for payday loans. You do not need to worry about its reliability, for there have been many people who have experienced the quick transfer of the loan. Thus, this is your time to try.

Payday loan is not only known for its quick transfer, but also for its easiness in applying process. To be able to apply, you only need to be the legal member of your country, to be 18 years old and more, having a job, and having a bank account. Then, if you have passes the first requirement, you are allowed to visit the site, not the office, to apply for it online. There, you have to fulfill about three or four forms related to your basic information, contact, and your occupation. Moreover, if you are luckier, the company you are applying does not require you to submit the documentation, nor credit card checking. Thus, if you are having problem with bad credit, try to visit the money lender company that requires credit card checking.

            After finishing all of the requirements, you just need to wait for your money transferred in less than 24 hours. Lastly, do not forget to pay it back later.

Making the Best use of Auto Insurance Calculator Program

When you are about to buy vehicle protection service, you need to ensure that you have taken great benefit from your car insurance aggregator program. This program is similar with your regular calculator, at the most basic idea, only that it allows you to calculate specific figure related to your insurance payment for the next several years.

With this program, you can always make some simulation of how you are going to have your insurance to get paid at best. If you want to know how much you are going to pay for your auto insurance by monthly term, you just need to insert your total amount of insurance, your interest rate, and the number of year you want to complete your insurance payment.

Whatever figure appears as your monthly term of payment, you can make it s your useful reference to calculate with the overall budget of your own money. If the figure is too big, or too much for you to pay, you could try to either adjust the number of year and or rate, or you could simply choose for another package of service. In this way of calculating, no way you will have over-budgeting condition in the next years as you start paying your car insurance. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mind Conditioning: An Ultimate Way to Attain Relaxation

Mind relaxation is an integral part of an individual's life but a part that is difficult to achieve due to professional and personal tensions. Each one of us has faced at least one bad experience in the life that would have turned our world upside down. To attain peace of mind, one must learn from the past experiences, acquire real mind power, lock bad memories, and relive the joyful experiences.
• Energize your life: - Don't loose hope and do not get depressed with one upsetting moment. Try and get yourself back on track. Remember, time is the best healer. Join meditation classes, engage yourself in the activities you love to do, spend some relaxing moments with your family and loved ones. This is the best mediation to boost up your life.
• Learn how to concentrate: - Concentration is the most effective exercise one can do to get relief from stress. Keep your thinking centralized and focus on what you are doing or planning to do. While doing anything, don't let your bad memories or tension creep into your mind. This helps in motivating innovative thinking and kicking out the destructive ideas, thereby making the mind relaxed. Lack of concentration means extra tension and loss of mind relaxation.
• Relax in a peaceful environment: - Create a peaceful environment in your house. For instance, you can keep the room temperature mild, sit on the cozy chair or on relaxation mat. Don't think about anything else-just relax and recharge your mind.
• Take a warm bath: - This is one of the best stress relaxation techniques. A warm bath helps in soothing the nerves and mind relaxation. If anything you are feeling stressed-out of, take a warm bath for immediate relief.
• Listen meditative music: - Slow paced music always keeps the mind and body relaxed. It is one of the ideal mind conditioning methods that keeps mind cool and takes away the stress. Music is one thing that has the power to put your mind in the state of relaxation within few minutes itself. So, whenever you feel low, meditate and listen the soothing music.
Emotional wellness is the sense of comfort you experience when your mind and body are relaxed. A person, who is emotionally fit, knows the secret of happiness and leads a joyful life. To live a happy life, you can also join classes to learn stress management tips for utmost relaxation.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Anxiety and Depression Treatment - How to Find the Best One?

With the rising complexity of life and people getting too much involved in fussy activities, the number of people suffering from anxiety and depression is increasing rapidly. Just visit any psychiatrist and you will come to know how many people visit them just only to find the reliable anxiety and depression treatment. The main reason behind this upsurge in the number of patient is the changing lifestyle of people. We as humans are here in this world to live happily. We often forget this and take too much tension related to our daily activities including office, family, home, market, and many other things.
In earlier days, there were not so many patients for depression. This is because there were not too much worried at that time. What is anxiety? Anxiety is only a term used to describe the mental situation where in a person feels extreme sadness and hopelessness. The term anxiety is very much similar to depression which also refers to negative feeling and thinking. The best thing about them is that both are treated in similar ways. Although there are a large number of options available, it's crucial to get a perfect diagnosis from an experienced psychological counselor. It's also to be noted that you visit your medical doctor, if only to eliminate physical causes that may have triggered the anxiety depression.
There are specific types of medications known as SSRI or Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors that work to increase the serotonin levels in your brain. These antidepressant medicines have been able to be used successfully to treat many of the more commonly found anxiety disorders. Although cbt depression is generally recognized as being caused by low levels of chemicals in the brain, it seems to respond well to medication regimen. This in turn can help with various anxiety symptoms even though anxiety is more closely related to phobias and fears.
One of the most effective counseling techniques is known as cognitive therapy. This behavior therapy is a kind of psychotherapy that helps a person to determine the thinking patterns that may have caused the anxiety disorder or depression. Psychotherapeutic counseling is indeed effective with various phobias also to ensure proper anxiety and depression treatment.
Before you choose a particular anxiety and depression treatment, it is often suggested that you do a comprehensive market research to find the best depression treatment. I am sure you would be able to reach to a reliable solution to your disease.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mental Illness: Trashing What We Thought We Knew

Let's take the whole bucket of what we think we know about mental illness, turn it upside down, and start all over again. What we consider psychopathology is most often an attempt to deal with somebody else's craziness. The big problem is that there is no normal way to react to craziness.
There is no such thing as a disturbed child who is not trying to survive either outright abuse or some other absurd treatment by people who are supposed to love him. Children do not have mental illnesses that grow out of a vacuum. Their behaviors are set by the way they are cared for, not cared for, or tormented.
Abuse is the strongest form of communication there is. Child abuse is a rape of the soul. Maltreatment of a child gives him a false idea of who he is. Whether physical, sexual, or emotional, child abuse implants lies deep within the psyche, or soul, of the little boy or girl. Rather than fade with age, these lies grow as the little human grows, as initials carved in the bark of a tree grow as does the tree. Rather than shrinking, the letters get bigger and easier to see. They are the lies that bind. They force conformity to a misconception of who we are.
In adulthood, it is of little importance whether someone has a positive self image or a negative one, for each is a delusion. Self image is a construct that is formed through other people's expressed opinions earlier in life, combined with the experimentation of rotating personalities during the teenage years. Teens try to find the pretended "self" that will be best accepted by the people in his life. Therefore, early opinions plus experimentation form what I term the "adopted self". Most adults believe that this flimsy concept is who they really are.
When a patient comes to me with a sense of low self-esteem I tell him he has made a good start on grasping reality. Since the "self" is already damaged and minimized it is easier to throw away altogether. The goal is not to have good self-esteem but to have no self-esteem. What needs to be done is to drop the whole idea of self, to take it off and drop it like an old coat.
Christianity is not a self-improvement program. It is a self-replacement program whereby the lies we have absorbed about our personhood are thrown off and replaced with a strong and joyful sense of becoming; that is, growing into the person our Creator intended. Once we have disposed of the chains of original sin through baptism we attain a potential that flourishes through God's glorious plan for us and our willingness to cooperate with His grace. In His Kingdom, He does not choose those who are worthy but those who are willing.
Judaism holds the same premise, that God has a plan for our life. When we discover our calling, we begin an introduction to our own soul: the real and true self already created by God since before the beginning of time.
The lies implanted by child abuse are so deeply convincing that God's intentions for His child are thwarted. It is the interference with the will of God that makes abuse not only devastating but literally evil. Blocking a soul from realizing God's love for him and from accepting divine nourishment in the form of grace is every bit as evil as murder.
The nurturing and the healing of souls are rightfully the work of the church and synagogue. Priests, rabbis, and ministers who know nothing about psychology have been short-changing their flocks. The healing of injured souls has always belonged to the medical profession and later to professional psychologists and mental-health counselors, whether or not any of these practitioners have any concept of what a soul is.
The task of pastors is to connect people to God in a life-enhancing relationship that leads to eternal life. Our pastors may or may not be well steeped in the study of divinity; that is, theology. But they are ignorant about the nature of people; that is, psychology. There exists an abyss between the two fields of knowledge.
Some seminaries do include a course or two in pastoral counseling in their basic curriculum preparing students for ordination, but the subject matter has little depth. A pastor should at least be able to recognize when a member of his church has a mental disorder that requires expert treatment, and he should know how to conduct a group therapy session.
Well-educated and experienced mental-health professionals will always be needed by society, as will knowledgeable pastors. The point is that there is much knowledge to be shared between the two.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Teaching Your Children Emotional Intelligence

As parents, we all want our children to succeed in both the academic and the emotional realms of their lives. Oftentimes parents and teachers become so focused on the academic realm that they neglect the emotional one.  He wrote a groundbreaking book titled, Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More than IQ. In his book Goleman redefines what it means to be smart and how we can teach our children emotional skills very early in their lives. He also explains why new brain research indicates that children's ability to deal effectively with emotions (E.Q.) can be a better indicator of life success that their intelligence (I.Q.)
This article will address ideas on how to help increase children's emotional awareness so they can increase their chances for a more fulfilling life.. This includes happiness and success in every aspect of life from career and personal relationships to health and well-being. We can teach our children how to be more emotionally intelligent.
Emotional Intelligence consists of five characteristics. These are (1) emotional self-awareness, (2) managing feelings or self-regulation, (3) self-motivation, (4) empathy and (5) relationship skills.
The first one, self-awareness, is about knowing oneself- knowing ones feelings, knowing what one likes,, wants, feels comfortable about and in general being attuned to one's needs. People who are smart about this make better decisions about who they marry or what job they take. These are decisions that can affect one for a lifetime. We can promote self-awareness by respecting children's feelings, taking feelings seriously, listening and trying to understand what the child communicates both verbally and non-verbally. This helps the child feel valued, validated, understood and raises self-esteem and self-acceptance.
The second characteristic is self regulation and managing one's feelings. This involves handling one's emotions, especially anger, anxiety, and frustration. Adults can be good role models for how to appropriately and effectively handle these emotions. Accepting children's feelings (this does not mean accepting inappropriate behaviors) is very helpful to children in learning how to self-soothe and calm themselves and relax. Children need to learn that emotions have a function and need to be managed effectively and how to bounce back from setbacks and upsets. They need help learning how to move beyond rumination of feelings to developing an effective action plan. We need to discuss and talk about this repetitively and encourage children to seek and use help and support from others. We can also encourage a sense of humor about life's small upsets. Learning these skills can help alleviate feelings of chronic stress and development of illnesses related to stress.
The third characteristic, self-motivation, is critical for success in life. It is difficult to achieve in life without motivation and persistence in the face of setbacks. Self-motivation skills involve self-control, delaying gratification, controlling impulsiveness and promoting persistence. We need to help children set realistic goals and meet them. Optimism and hope can be modeled and an attitude of "you can make things happen" and "I believe in you" are important messages for parents and teachers to impart.
The fourth characteristic is empathy, the ability to recognize emotions in others and take on their perspective as well as show concern and caring for them. This is about the ability to read others both verbally and nonverbally and tune in to them and mirror them. We need to encourage children to put themselves in others shoes to promote morality and altruism which helps not only in personal relationships but in creating a better world.
The fifth and final characteristic is relationship skills. This involves social competence, making friends, becoming leaders, learning to compromise, problem-solve, and resolve conflicts. Children need adults to teach and model these skills as well as encourage them to be assertive, skilled communicators, cooperative, helpful and sharing. They need coaching to be able to give compliments, apologize when wrong, appreciate others and develop a sense of humor.
In summary these five characteristics are predictors of how successful children will be at work, in relationships and with their own health. We have the opportunity to teach, model and nurture emotional intelligence. It is important to begin as young as possible because childhood lessons will become lifelong habits. Upsets and acting out behaviors are golden opportunities for us to act as emotional coaches. In so doing, we will be able to take children's feelings seriously and understand why something is upsetting them. Parents, teachers and other adults can help children find positive ways to self-soothe and become comfortable with handling life stresses and frustrations.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mental Illness Among Children Turning Into An Epidemic

The alarming rise in the number of children suffering from mental illness has led professional psychologists to probe into the causes of the problem. Research conducted by them revealed that an array of reasons starting from biological problems to environmental cause to psychological problems can result in the psychological disorientation of the children. Most often it can be seen that kids suffering from such conditions behave wildly. The parents should keep an eye on the behavior of their wards. If they observe that they is no change in the conduct of their son or daughter for a long time, they should take recourse to professional help as soon as possible.
If the kid is suffering from a psychological problem due to biological factors prenatal injury, infection, nerve problem or any other similar problems the parents should consult a specialist in this genre, get a proper diagnosis and start the treatment as soon as possible. Apart from these, it is repeatedly seen that kids especially adolescents suffer from mental illness due to various psychological factors like harassment in the school, physical abuse, hostility in the family, divorce and similar problems. Even environmental causes like shifting to a new school or if the child feels inadequate and incompetent can lead to serious psychological disorder. If these issues are not treated immediately it may gradually take up a monstrous shape and result in further complication.
A dynamic change is visible in the society of the 21st century which has also unknowingly contributed to the rising rate of Mental illness in children. Depression is one of the mental sicknesses that are affecting many children. While mood swing is a very common phenomenon, but when this condition continues to persist in the kids for an extensive span of time, the parents should immediately consult a psychologist and seek for his professional help. It is not possible to single out any particular cause behind depression. Accumulation of series of social and environmental causes ultimately results in such a serious problem. The cut throat competition of 21st century along with the increasing expectation of the parents has a direct impact on this particular variety of psychological distress. But these are not the only factors resulting in depression, low self esteem, negative incidents and events in one's life has also contributed to such psychological state.
Poverty among children among from underprivileged background may also result in serious mental trauma. The delicate mind of the young ones can either become exceedingly strong when it encounter such problem or else result in depression or any other kind of psychological problem. Physically abusing the child, neglect and even sexual abuse are some of the serious dilemma that is faced by many children in their tender age. Any kind of abuse has a direct impact on the psychological conditions of the kids. The parents should communicate freely with their children. If they are find out any abnormality in their behavior, they should take serious steps to find out the reason behind it.
Many psychiatric centres especially for the children are present for treatment of Mental illness in children. If the problem is serious, the kids should be admitted in these centers to recover fully. Moreover, these institutes are affiliated to schools as well. So the overall well being of the child is taken into consideration.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

PTSD Prevention

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a normal response by normal people to an abnormal event. The severity of the exposure to the event represents a threat to their physical or psychological well-being. As such, the traumatic event overwhelms normal coping responses and challenges their ability to cope. The result is traumatic stress.
These types of events include rape or other types of assault, childhood sexual or physical abuse, family violence, accidents and other life threatening situations. Common responses are anxiety about a possible recurrence, confusion, difficulty in concentration, memory problems; temporary mood swings, general changes in temperament and irritability; flashbacks or reliving the event emotionally; sleep problems and/or nightmares; a change of appetite; emotional distress caused by events that remind you of the traumatic event; a desire to avoid anything that might remind you of the traumatic event; diminished interest in significant activities (work, social, or family); feeling depressed, detached, or estranged from others; shortness of temper, angry feelings, or a lack of patience with yourself or others; increased health problems; increased use of alcohol or drugs; depression, decreased energy, tearfulness, and loss of pleasure.
If several of these symptoms are present, it is advisable to seek professional help. Unresolved trauma can have a tragic impact on the life and choices made by the individual exposed to these types of events. For many, the painful feelings can continue for a long time despite attempts to cope. Others seem to manage well for a time and then find themselves distressed months or years later.
Early intervention, ideally during the first three months, is key to returning to a normal life that avoids PTSD. Treatment will be shorter and save the individual the pain of symptoms and choices that can have a negative affect on their life. While it is preferable to get professional help within the first three months, those who find themselves struggling with stress due to a traumatic event can find help through internationally recognized therapies for PTSD, such as EMDR.
As with all mental health issues, finding a qualified therapist who specializes in this particular disorder is important. Finding networks or specific organizations or practices that have providers trained in PTSD therapies is ideal. It is usually best to choose a therapist who is licensed by the regulatory board in your state. Licensing typically ensures that a therapist has obtained a graduate degree and one or more years of post-licensure training and supervision. It also gives recourse to the regulatory board should a question of poor treatment or ethical misconduct arise.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Deciphering 90 Years of Brain Function Data

Thousands of children and adults from different countries and with different mental capacities participated in longitudinal scientific evaluations. Today's lesson is in cognitive epidemiology where we will connect the dots between brain function and physical health from accumulated research data gathered over the past 90 years.
Together, these large population studies reveal strong links between good brain function and physical health. Lower intelligence correlates with high health risks of many diseases and illnesses. The population risk factor increases gradually as the intelligence scale decreases.
Researchers sifted through mountains of information and uncovered some fascinating unequivocal findings of correlating trends. A clear pattern is formed from the mental scores of a myriad of tests.
It stands to reason that humans who use their brains make wiser choices than those with less intelligence. It seems logical that wiser individuals would make more healthy choices like not smoking or drinking and taking drugs. The lower a person's measured intelligence, the greater risk of living a shorter life, having more accidents, developing more diseases, committing more suicide, and endangering themselves and others in ways like having accidents.
The following evidence comes from a survey of nearly one million Scandinavian military men. Connecting the dots of young people in their twenties with lower intelligence face greater risks of developing crisis during mid-life, especially in illnesses, depression, mood disorders, and alcohol-related problems. The correlation continued to the increased potential of physical harm and time spent in the hospital.
As the participants with low intelligence test scores got older, there was a stronger implication towards poorer health. Research of the Vietnam Experience Study cohort confirmed the same trend as did the study of British and Swedish school children.
Here is a quote from Scientific American Mind magazine dated July/August 2011, "Data on unintentional injuries such as those received in traffic accidents also matched this trend, with a doubling of risk for individuals at the lower end of the intelligence range as compared to those at the top."
Researchers in 2008 investigated a landmark study known as the Scottish Mental Survey of 1932 where virtually the whole population of school children (87,498) were evaluated over years. The report indicates that those with lower mental scores from the childhood test were a higher risk for late-onset vascular dementia but not Alzheimer's type of dementia. The cause of vascular dementia is tied to physical health risk factors as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension acerbated by poor diet.
Several research studies have been evaluated and correlated lower intelligence with later cardiovascular disease. This again is probably due to smoking and other poor life choices. We know that intelligent response is regulated up or down by the amount of pure oxygen supplied to the brain. The oxygen factor is further regulated up or down by the integrity of your cardiovascular system. Toxins damage the oxygen intake.
The poor mental development of the fetus and that of a newly born baby contributes to a life-time of poor mental health. Many of the Royal Sugars which I often call Smart Sugars discussed in these lessons are present in human mother's breast milk. Studies show that the infant immune system depends on these sugars. Other studies show that an infant's mental capacity is improved with the sugars and that the intelligence remains over the years. Those young people made better grades in college than those who were not fed human mother's milk when they were babies.
Smart Sugars with other excellent nutrients are needed to maintain and improve brain function. Improve your brain function and you lower your risk factor for diseases and accidents, and raise the bar for a longer life expectancy with more alertness, vitality, and improved motor skills.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Smart Sugar Protects Brain Cells From Inflammation

This historic discovery may change the way doctors deal with the brain. New evidence published April 30, 2012 indicates that the sugar Trehalose suppresses cerebral inflammation which normally results in high mortality.
Protecting and improving brain cells should be top priority in the future of medicine and healthcare. When we improve brain function, we address over 600 diseases directly and all other human illnesses indirectly. The better the brain functions, the more effective are the motor and mental skills.
Trehalose can protect the brain! More specifically, it protects the arachnoid mater which is the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. This protection extends to the subarachnoid cavity of the central nervous system following cerebral vasospasm. New findings indicate that the sugar Trehalose prevents oxidative degradation of the lipids caused by free radical electrons in the cell membranes.
In the researchers' words, "The study suggest that Trehalose has suppressive effects on various pathological events after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), including vasospasm, inflammatory responses, and lipid peroxidation. Trehalose may be a new therapeutic approach for treatment of complications after SAH."
The sugar maltose, another disaccharide did not have the positive effects as did Trehalose. Both Trehalose and maltose are two glucose molecules bonded together. The two glucose molecules forming Trehalose are linked by a,a-1,1-glycosidic bond. This unique bond actually causes a function in physics beyond simple chemistry and requires further study. Inquiring minds may wish to read about the quantum physics of sugars. This emerging science is known as quantum glycobiology.
Traumatic brain injury often results in neuroinflammation. It is medically accepted that brain cell inflammation can cause additional brain damage as more neurotoxins are released.
Immunoactivation using specific sugars continues to be reported and supported by university studies around the world. Compounding evidence is changing the world of medicine and healthcare. Advanced studies in smart sugars reveal new ways and means of improving brain function.
It is time we, that's US, accept and advance Glycomics, the science of sugars. We are learning how well these sugars function and just how vital they are to the human body. The US in the 1960s was in the Top Ten healthiest countries on the planet. Today, according to WHO we have slipped to 76th. Something is rotten with our sickcare system.
Glycomics is the hope of an individual, a family, and a country for improving brain function and general health.

Monday, April 9, 2012

What You Did Not Know About Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a condition where one is not able to concentrate well especially when learning or getting knowledge. The person gets easily distracted and can wonder into his own world very easily. It is a condition that is usually diagnosed in the childhood stage of life. More men have been found to have this disorder as compared to women. This disorder can continue from childhood all the way into adulthood. When one becomes an adult, you may notice them displaying anti-social behavior which is not evident when one is a child.
There is a different type of ADD based on some neurobiological disabilities. This is known as the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, whose acronym is ADHD. No one has fully found out what causes ADHD. Research has found out that ADD can be as a result of a genetic transmission. Another cause of ADD is chemical imbalance or lack of sufficient neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are responsible for regulation of an individual's behaviour. Further research has found out that the brains of people who have ADD use less glucose compared to the ones who are considered 'normal.'
There are certain symptoms that Attention Deficit Disorder displays in children. Some of them are hyperactivity, lack of being attentive and impulsive behaviour. Lack of being attentive will make the children make silly mistakes while doing their homework, they will easily get distracted, they will not listen and will easily forget what they were doing. Hyperactivity will make the child fidget around a lot. The child will be restless and will have problems with focusing. Impulsive behaviour in children with ADD is characterized by interrupting people who are conversing, being impatient and giving out answers before a question is asked. It has been found out that children with ADHD have difficulty in carrying out meaningful conversations, doing assigned work or doing homework. They have also been found out to be involved in very risky activities. It is for this reason that accidental injuries are more common with children who have ADHD and less with adults who have the same disorder.
Adults who have ADD tend to be careless and display impulsive behaviour. They also have problems with managing their time and organizing themselves. Planning and structuring is usually a difficult task for adults with ADD.
If ADD cannot be treated or controlled early, it will bring problems in the future. It is best to try to diagnose and treat is as early as possible i.e. during childhood.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Homeopathic Remedies For Anxiety And The ADHD Connectio

What is the ADHD and anxiety connection? How can homeopathic remedies for anxiety help with ADHD? Let us take the diagnostic view first. When children are diagnosed with ADHD, they are more than likely to suffer from a co-morbid disorder. As if ADHD was not enough!
In an About Our Kids survey, it was found that up to 25% of children with ADHD also suffer from anxiety. The same figure holds for those diagnosed with anxiety in that ADHD is going to occur in about a quarter of the children.
What are the main co-morbid disorders? The first one is anxiety and depression. The second most common one is oppositional defiance disorder (ODD) followed closely by OCD. The latter stands for obsessive compulsive disorder.
Actually, OCD is very closely related to anxiety because this is where the child becomes over anxious about things that may harm, frighten or dirty his environment. He becomes obsessed with these and will perform repetitive rituals or compulsions in order to protect himself from these. Somebody has appropriately called this disorder an overactive alarm system.
The second almost unknown fact is that the psychostimulant drugs like Adderall and Ritalin, when prescribed for ADHD, often increase anxiety and the child is left feeling very unhappy. This seems to be the antitheses of what a happy childhood should be.
Yet the pharmaceutical companies have played this one down so much that people rarely know anything about it. They know all about the so called heart risks (which actually seem to be almost nil) but nothing about anxiety which is rife!
It seems that psychostimulants are not really the best way of treating anxiety and ADHD. One solution is to take a closer look at homeopathic remedies for anxiety and ADHD. The main ingredients used in a lot of the preparations are aimed at calming the child down which immediately leads to fewer worries. Then they are also effective at helping the child to relax, to focus better and also the child will be much less reckless and impulsive.
The ingredients used are those famous ones such as hyoscyamus, arsen iod and tuberculinum. The great thing about these remedies is that there are no side effects so that sleep problems and eating disorders just do not exist. That is such a relief for many parents. There are no health risks or long term doubts about what these reparations are doing to the developing child's brain.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Curing a Mental Disorder Through Dream Therapy

All mental disorders are caused by the invasion of the primitive and absurd content of your conscience (anti-conscience) into the human side of your conscience. Through dream therapy you have an internal vision of your brain and psyche and you understand what determines your behavior.
The unconscious mind that produces your dreams has a saintly nature, while your anti-conscience is a wild animal, which has satanic characteristics. The anti-conscience is like a shark that can think and prepare numerous traps for your ignorant and one-sided conscience.
A mental disorder is cured through the elimination of the negative tendencies you have inherited into the wild side of your brain. The unconscious mind is a doctor and a spiritual guide. Your treatment is based on increasing your intelligence and consciousness. At the same time, you learn how to become more sensitive.
You'll verify that you are a victim of your anti-conscience, which doesn't let you evolve. It constantly tries to generate mental disorders within your human conscience. The elimination of your dangerous wild conscience (which gives you a second, wild personality) is based on increasing your consciousness. You learn how to develop your intelligence and use all your capacities.
Your anti-conscience becomes weaker when your human conscience becomes stronger because you take the brain power of your anti-conscience and you start using it in a positive way. You cannot simply kill your wild self. You must transform the evil and absurd content you have inherited into a positive content that will help you solve your problems instead of causing damages to your psychological system.
You acquire a mental disorder when your anti-conscience manages to convince your human conscience to follow its absurd thoughts, and you start accepting the absurdity of your anti-conscience without criticizing its suggestions.
This is the same as to say that you become mentally ill when you listen to your evil wild nature instead of respecting your moral principals.
The scientific aspect of this religious truth reveals that you are vulnerable to the craziness contained into the biggest part of your brain. The religious side of this scientific truth reveals that you are a sinner from birth only because you have inherited an evil anti-conscience.
You are too far from perfection, but you have to become a perfect human being in order to be cured and acquire sound mental health, even if you believe that you are a normal person. The human race is absurd because we inherit absurdity into the biggest part of our brain. Since you belong to the human race, you are not an exception.
This is a fact that you must admit now that you know that the biggest part of your brain is possessed by your wild conscience, the anti-conscience. This is a tragic truth, but the discovery of the existence of the anti-conscience puts an end to human suffering. Now that we know what causes mental illnesses, and now that we know that we can surely find sound mental health through dream therapy, everyone will transform their anti-conscience into a positive content without wasting time.
All mental disorders are cured thanks to the unconscious wisdom and sanctity. By following dream therapy you'll begin a new life, based on different criteria. This means that you'll get rid of the negative effect of past traumas. You'll think like a wise person.
Dream therapy based on the method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by me is the best psychotherapeutical method you can find. The divine unconscious mind never makes mistakes because it is God's mind. When you follow dream therapy you are safe. You know that you can trust the unconscious guidance. You know that you'll surely solve your problems.
When you follow other therapies you don't know if you'll feel better or if you'll merely waste your time and money. You may even have more psychological problems after following a treatment based on human theories. You can also become totally dependent on your psychotherapist. Your treatment can last for years and increase your frustration instead of saving your life.
The unconscious treatment is free because the unconscious mind is your natural protector. You only have to learn the dream language in order to reap all the benefits you can have for understanding the divine guidance in dreams.
If you have no time for studies I can translate your dreams for you and help you put the unconscious guidance into practice. After verifying how effective dream therapy is, you'll surely desire to learn the dream language and have this knowledge for life.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Using Relaxation Techniques Can Help Treat Anxiety

Women suffer more nervous tension and increased levels of anxiety due to pressures and stresses that they encounter on a day to day basis. Thus, they need to improve their daily lives. Simple situations like being in crowds, riding in an elevator, and going to the dentist can already trigger emotional change for women. This may lead to anxiety, upset feelings or fear. More so, if a woman already feels anxious, the emotion will be more difficult to control if there are significant problems that may arise such as loss of a job, death within the family, financial problems, divorce or separation. Women should learn to deal with stress effectively to avoid losing her self-confidence and self-esteem. Anxiety may reduce self-worth in women as well as her capability to handle her daily responsibilities. Life stressors do not go away; it is just a matter of dealing with them that makes life worthwhile.
How you react to physical and emotional stress can be determined through your sympathetic nervous system. The nervous system is the one responsible for the flight or fight response during excitement and stress. It heightens and speeds up the pulse rate, muscle tension, respiration blood circulation and glandular function. If the symptoms of your anxiety are recurring, emotional upsets and change in lifestyle may cause your nervous system to overreact. If your life is very stressful, the sympathetic system is at all times prepared to respond to a disturbance leaving you tense constantly. Because of this, small stress factors can already upset you like big crisis. To bring back balance to your body, you must release the energy that you use during this crisis. Recurring experiences of fight or flight responses reduce reserve energy which leads to burnout emotionally and fatigue. Managing stress can put an end to this exhaustion and may even boost your level of energy.
There are some techniques to cope with stress effectively. Psychotherapy and counseling can be done for severe cases. For those who want to deal with stress by themselves, there are practical ways that you can do. To be able to become more responsible in handling your own problem, you must eliminate your ineffective way of dealing stress, you must learn new techniques in improving your habits, and you must also practice new techniques on a daily basis.
Reducing stress and relaxation exercises is also part of the program in treating anxiety. These self-help methods have significantly increased the well-being of many people and have improved their health physically. Exercises to reduce stress are good for women who are suffering from anxiety. It helps in alleviating symptoms of anxiety through meditation and focus, ground techniques, relaxing exercises, releasing of muscle tension, erasing techniques, affirmations, visualizations, and healing the inner child. All these methods can help you deal with stress effectively making your thoughts more peaceful and calm, and by learning to relax as you develop back your self confidence and self esteem. Practicing each technique can help you decide which of them can provide benefits and cure for you. Do it every day as much as possible.
Women with symptoms of nervous tension and anxiety that are recurring are usually attacked by negative thoughts. Every day your mind can be flooded with negative feelings, thoughts and fantasies which can make you upset. These thoughts can be related to finances, work and personal relationships, or unresolved health issues. These thoughts, if persistent, can lead to symptoms of anxiety and can be exhausting. Shutting off that inner voice and making the mind silent is important in this case.
An exercise that requires you to be quiet and be engage in simple and constant activity can release negative thoughts in your mind. Give yourself a break by emptying your mind. Meditation is also another way. It puts you into deep relaxation that may benefit not just the mind but the whole body. It is good for high blood pressure and reduces heart rate as well as muscle tension. It also gives you a good sleep. Practicing these techniques frequently can provide relief to anxiety by eliminating negative thoughts and resting the body. Your power to deal with stress should recover enormously.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reducing Stress Improves Health and Performance at Work

Stress is the cause of many illnesses today. For instance, when someone has a hard time separating their work from their home life, it can cause many health problems. The commonly used title for this illness under the mental health guidelines is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Many servicemen today, who are coming back from tours of duty are suffering from this disorder.
Stress is caused by putting yourself in a situation that you have a hard time handling. When a woman gives birth to a child, their hormones get out of whack, which can lead to depression because they don't have the time to work on themselves. They become sleep deprived when they have to get up to feed the baby at all hours of the day and night, until the child gets into a sleep rhythm and sleeps more than 2 to 3 hours at a time.
For many of us, even when we don't have a baby to take care of, but your thoughts keep you up and prevent you from sleeping 6 to 8 hours straight, you develop insomnia. The best way to get over insomnia is to use relaxation techniques or yoga. Often what happens is the individual will set up and read or watch TV until they become sleepy. He eventually this becomes a habit or pattern of behavior repeated nightly, therefore, the insomnia continues until the individual decides to learn better habits.
When someone has difficulty dealing with the stress in their life, they develop headaches. Unless the individual can pinpoint where the headaches come from-- such as the environment or the people they are around constantly, they will believe they are ill and seek a doctor's care instead of mental health counseling, to learn to deal with the stress in a healthy way.
Some people turned to food to deal with the stress in their lives. That is, when you feel you immensely something inside yourself, you turned to food to fill that hole. This is another unhealthy habit we learn. Stress can lead to heart disease and anxiety attacks as well.
There are many ways for someone to learn to reduce the stress in their lives. Developing good eating habits, exercising on a regular basis, and getting away from the people that you argue with the most, such as your family all your work environment.
For people who work for a corporation, who want to increase their income and move up the ladder and management, will often create their own stress. The stress is caused by putting undue expectations on themselves or taking on more than they can handle in the workplace. Often when the individual leaves this job, they find that the health problems they have seemed to disappear.
For many people who put themselves in stressful situations, this can also be a learned behavior from their childhood. A parent sometimes will put undue stress on their child, when they pass along messages to the children, that to be love but they must excel in grades or sports. Eventually the child would be unrealistic to expectations on themselves, which he eventually can lead to health problems as well.
We can be our own worst enemies. Sometimes when we are experiencing stress which can lead to health problems, instead of seeking help and learning better habits, we ignore the early symptoms and it leads the individual to an early grave. Some people may seek help, but not before they suffer heart attacks or eat themselves into obesity.
Reducing stress in one's personal life and learning to live a healthier lifestyle, not only leads to a longer life span, but it also helps improve relationships with friends and family. You have to make the choice he made the changes in your life because there will not always be someone else to intervene and protect you from yourself and your behaviors.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Drug For ADHD - Problems And Solutions

If you are taking a drug for ADHD, you will probably have noticed that supplies tend to be somewhat erratic. These problems surfaced during last year and there were massive shortages of the most popular drug, Adderall. Then other drugs began to be in short supply too.
I know that many doctors have switched their ADHD patients to the more expensive Vyvanse but that was not a popular choice with many parents and kids. The reason for the shortage is that the actual raw material is an amphetamine which is, of course, a controlled substance. So, supplies to the manufacturers are going to be limited anyway.
The same problems are occurring with the generic drugs. One solution to the problem when you are taking a drug for ADHD which is suffering from a shortage is to call pharmacies in your area to find out which of the ADHD drugs are available.
Then, you can ask the doctor to change the script accordingly although there may be problems in changing medication. But sometimes, the equivalent is just as effective.
You could also ask your doctor to call local pharmacies so that he knows what is in stock and can prescribe accordingly. This is no guarantee that you may find the drug there because they could have sold out in the meantime. Doctors are not allowed to call in prescriptions and reserve supplies of medicines for us, unfortunately.
We should also be very wary about trying to buy these meds online. There are risks that many fake ADHD drugs exist and they are nothing more than painkillers!
Actually, the whole question about a drug for ADHD should make us sit up and think about how effective these really are. Many parents are happy to note that their kids are reporting improvements in the following areas:-
• better focus
• longer attention span
• improved grades at school
• less restless and able to do homework much better than before.
The key issue here is that after thousands of parents were surveyed in the Consumer Reports on the effectiveness of these meds, the majority noted that as for behavior and social skills, there was very little difference and they felt at sea.
But we should also be looking the long term effects and asking ourselves if medication is really the answer to ADHD. In fact, it is only a partial answer and we should be absolutely certain that other measures are in place such as:-
• limits on behavior are clearly set and explained
• our homes are organised so that kids are helped, not hindered
• we are aware that dietary changes can affect behavior
• media time is limited
• green time activities are regularly planned.
So, the next time you dash to the pharmacy hoping to find your favourite drug for ADHD, think about all the other things we should be organising. The above suggestions are real long term solutions.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Anxiety Disorder - The Causes of a Panic Attack

Panic attacks are unpredictable, sometimes occurring during sleep. A panic attack is defined as the sudden feeling of intense fear that reaches its peak within minutes and that includes at least four of the following symptoms: Feeling of imminent danger; Need to get away; Palpitations; Sweats; Tremors; Difficulty in breathing; Feeling of choking; Pain or discomfort in the chest; Nausea or abdominal distress; Dizziness;
Feeling that things are not real; Depersonalization; Fear of losing control or "going crazy" Fear of dying
Because of the similarity of these symptoms with symptoms related to heart disease, thyroid and respiration, etc.., Most people with panic disorder directed to the hospital emergency room, convinced that it is one of these diseases.
There are many people who have panic attacks and do not know that this is a real illness and healing. The panic disorder develops in early adulthood and is three times more common in women than in men.
This disorder often occurs in conjunction with other mental and physical disorders, including anxiety disorders, depression, irritability syndrome, or substance abuse. This may hinder a correct diagnosis.
Some people fail to put themselves in situations or going places where they had panic attacks. These people have agoraphobia, avoiding public places of which they consider to be hard to escape, such as shopping centres, public transport, or stadiums. Your world can become smaller, they are always on guard, waiting for the next anxiety attack. Some people set up a route, and it becomes impossible for them to turn from the path traced without having severe panic attacks. One of three people with panic disorder develop agoraphobia.
Anxiety attacks are the same as panic attacks;
The National Institute of Mental Health categorizes anxiety attacks and panic disorders. Anxiety attacks are often referred to as disorder panic attack or anxiety attack disorder. The anxiety attack disorder is included in the extensive category of anxiety disorder. It is estimated that 19% of the U.S. adult population (18 to 54) have problems with anxiety disorder. All people experience a brief episode of intense anxiety from time to time, and many people have experienced one or two attacks of anxiety during their lifetime, but only one can speak of disorder anxiety attack when they become persistent attacks by interfering with the daily routine.
Usually begins with an unexplained attack. As other attacks will occur, increasing the fear of having anxiety attacks, and consequently increase the symptoms. This increase fear of the catalyst is often attacks by taking the individual in a vicious cycle, the more fear, more panic, and so on. An anxiety attack can be described as a sudden attack of fear, terror, who appears without warning and without apparent reason.
This strong feeling can be accompanied by numerous other symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, nausea, chest pain, numb hands and feet, irrational thoughts. A panic attack can last up to about 30 minutes. It is also common to be followed by other small attacks, which cause anxiety attacks last much longer.
Even when any attack ends, the symptoms may remain for several hours or even days, depending on the severity of the attack. The age group most prone to anxiety attacks is from 17 to 25 years, although they can occur at all ages.
When anxiety attack disorder is usually misunderstood. Based on the professional experience with anxiety and anxiety disorders, it is known that the factors which are not cause genetic or biological, but behaviour.
In fact, anxiety disorders have a biological component, but is the result of our behaviour and not its cause. The anxiety attack disorder is completely curable with the right information, help and support. Being easier to cure when diagnosed early, can be cured in any of its phases.
The most effective treatment is a combination of some information for self-help and therapy. Therapy will ensure that the causative factors of attacks will be eliminated. The worst they can do is not to seek help! The disorder anxiety attack, like so many other disorders, does not disappear by itself.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

ADHD and Sleeplessness - The Connection Between The Two Along With Six Helpful Tips

If you struggle with ADHD symptoms you already know that getting a good night's sleep is next to impossible, that is unless you are so exhausted you seemingly can't stay awake one moment longer. But even if you seemingly can sleep okay you may experience difficulty getting to sleep, awaken regularly at night, or experience sluggishness for an uncharacteristically long-period of time after waking in the morning.
There are many different reasons why ADHD and sleeplessness seem to be such good bedfellows with two common explanations being hyper-fixation/focus ultimately dragging bedtime way past what was initially planned or pent-up nervous or hyperactive energy make winding down in a short period of time next to impossible.
There is also a possibility that there could be a sleep disorder lurking in the background depriving the brain of the important brain chemical serotonin while further disrupting ADHD neurotransmitter balance.
Sleep quality may also be an issue a worries may linger late into the night leading to tossing and turning.
Quick fact: It is estimated that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder sleep on average 30 minutes less than their peers.
Another important point worth mentioning is that those with the condition tend to be innately more sensitive to certain stimuli. Two great examples as they apply to ADHD and sleeplessness are light and sound.
This hypersensitivity would make it extremely difficult for someone with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to sleep during the day and/or when quite cannot be found.
Delving into the research
According to the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) ADHD can be divided up into three categories: predominately inattentive; hyperactive-impulsive; and the combined type.
In a study involving 582 children and teenagers it was determined that most problems related to sleep included snoring, insomnia, talking in ones sleep, sleep terrors, and bruxism (primarily hyperactivity and impulsivity).
This study also revealed a significant link between ADHD and sleeplessness in relation to specific subtypes of ADHD. The two subtypes most likely to experience problems with sleep were the inattentive type and hyperactive-impulsive type. The scientists also observed that inadvertent daytime napping was a common trait amongst study participants who had been diagnosed with these two types of ADHD.
In conclusion, there is an ever-growing amount of research supporting the conclusion that individuals with attention deficit disorder struggle with getting enough quality sleep.
Here are a six suggestions which might prove helpful if either you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or have children with the condition.
They are to: limit stimulating activities such as watching television or playing video games prior to bedtime; establish a consistent sleep routine and stick to it; eliminate intake of sugar or simple carbohydrates one hour before bedtime; eliminate any outside stimuli that might disrupt falling and staying asleep; closely monitor any medications taken in the evening as some contain ingredients disruptive to natural sleep patterns; and last but not least consider a homeopathic ADHD remedy specially formulated to help reduce ADHD symptoms and calm the mind.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


In everyone's life insurance plays very important role either as part of investment or for the safety of life as well as asset. In any continent or country, the insurance market is one of the basics of the economy. One must be conversant with insurance terms like HMO and PPO. Now actually we need to see actually what HMO and PPO means.
HMO refers to Health Maintenance Organization, and is an organization made of such members which are paying their monthly premium for the health insurance. HMO owns and operates its own healthcare facilities. It's a form of health insurance consisting of range of different coverage in various forms. It is also having various doctors and medical professionals which offer care through HMO plans at attractive monthly rates and premium. The doctor's visits as well as medical treatments charges are covered under this policy. HMO is having a network of doctors and health care service providers. One who enrolls in HMO plan will get his private doctor and all the service will be provided by the private doctor. The doctors enrolled in the HMO are given the salary from HMO and also full authority over the doctor is taken by HMO. If HMO makes profit then doctors are also given their share of profit.
Another such plan is PPO i.e. Preferred Provider Organization which is same as HMO. It is composed of doctors, hospitals and other healthcare service providers which provide medical services at reduced price. Here a member of PPO plan has the freedom to choose the desired doctor as well as hospitals they want to visit. Obtaining service from the preferred medical service provider is the main motto of PPO plan. The coverage under PPO plan requires ongoing payment of the premium for the policy holders. PPO plan also offers flexibility to the plan owners that they can hire a doctor or can avail the service of such healthcare providers which are out of the network of PPO.
As PPO and HMO are sometimes confusing so most of them find it difficult to decide which plan to avail and what benefits they will get. So for that one needs to understand basic difference between PPO vs HMO. In PPO a policy owner can acquire the service of physician and doctor who are out of the network of PPO but this is not the case in HMO. While PPO owners pays the extra premium on availing this service for the flexible reason.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Secret Formula to Champion a Team Approach

Do you speak Alzheimer's? You do, if you are an at-home caregiver or a professional provider in a long-term setting. No matter your position, it takes a TEAM approach to provide Championship-level care to individuals with Alzheimer's or Dementia.
Consider yourself a Coach because that's what you are as a family caregiver of a memory-impaired person. Right now, you make the rules and the game plan. You are the focal point of your at-home care team. You can't do it alone though; so surround yourself with support players needed to help you execute the game plan.
So let's look at what it takes to make a TEAM.
What do the Chicago Bulls, New York Yankees and Green Bay Packers have in common? All three of these franchises have set records in their respective sports for multiple Championships.
In the 1990s, the Bulls permanently placed their name in the record books by winning three-consecutive Championships not once, but twice, in the decade. The Bulls were six-time champions in a mere ten-year period.
The New York Yankees have won 27 World Series Championships and 40 American League pennants. Both of these massive accomplishments are Major league records.
The Green Bay Packers of the National Football league have won 13 National Championship games and four Super Bowl titles. Like the Bulls, they too have won three-consecutive championships twice in franchise history: The only team in NFL history to accomplish this milestone.
When analyzing these organizations to find secrets to their substantial success, commonalities emerge that unite them respectively in the record books. To have consistent championship-level success, these teams share some similarities whether on a sports team or as a memory-care provider.
• Strong leadership. A coach with a defined game plan and the ability to oversee the nuances of executing the game plan.
• Strong players. All of these teams certainly had stand-out stars that shined brighter than others on their team. Each team still had to work in concert with each other to execute the plan on their journey to multiple championships. Michael Jordan, Derek Jeter and Brett Favre are Hall of Fame players, but they couldn't win the championships alone. They needed a surrounding cast of players who played a role in the overall team success as well.
• Strong work ethic. The ability to overcome, overachieve and deliver the effort, even when faced with adversity. Championship-level teams often are playing injured, fatigued and mentally exhausted as they strive for their professional pinnacle.
Doctors, family members, neighbors, the pharmacist, your pastor and a whole cast of characters are integral to your care-giving success, especially when your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's or dementia.
Too often, family caregivers attempt to provide 100 percent of the care 100 percent of the time. Unfortunately, being the sole care provider 100 percent of the time does not lead to a championship level of care. You may think that you are the only one who can provide the care, but indeed, you are diminishing the overall success of the game plan that may play out over many years.
Providing care is exhausting. It is 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. Michael Jordan, the standout superstar of the Chicago Bulls during the 1990s was capable of scoring 50 points a game; however, if the other team scored 51, then Michael's valiant efforts were for nothing. Even Michael Jordan needed the support of his teammates to score points too and play defense against the other team to keep them from scoring. It took a team of players who excelled in their roles to bring home six championships in ten years.
As the primary care provider (coach & superstar) of your at-home care-giving team, you are no good to your loved one if you are sick, tired, unmotivated, uninspired and overwhelmed. You need to build your team, utilize their talents and execute the game plan as you strive to provide championship-level care for an Alzheimer's patient.
In a professional setting, the executive leadership is imperative to the overall success of the team's ability to provide care. When the Executive Director or corporate leadership (Coaches) doesn't have a clear vision or a clear game plan, the team's chances of success are diminished.
When the team isn't aware of the game plan or worse yet, isn't given the tools and training for success, there is limited chance for championship-quality care.
The Coach must be present. The Coach needs to set the rules and hold their team accountable for executing the overall plan. The Coach needs to train, teach, mentor and lead by example.
Meanwhile, the players on the professional care-giving team need to be solid and capable. Not everyone on the team can be a Derek Jeter or Brett Favre caliber player. What's the key? The team must be cohesive and work together in concert as opposed to fragmented and working against each other. "That's not my job" is not championship-level-care language.
In a long-term setting, everyone in the building is a part of the care-giving team. Along with the frontline care staff, the housekeepers, front desk greeter, bus driver, sales staff, business director and food service personnel are all imperative to the overall success of the organization. These folks require the proper training in dementia care and communication.
For example, on a championship level care team, the housekeepers would be trained to be aware of changes in the resident's environment that they may discover while conducting their duties. Is the once-tidy room, now a disheveled mess? Is the person hoarding and hiding objects? Do incontinence issues exist where none were before? A housekeeper may observe these hints and clues. The Coach needs to empower that team player to have a voice and alert other members of the team when they notice a drastic change.
In a long-term setting, everyone must retain an awareness of their role in the care-providing process. All the responsibility for giving care can't fall solely on the shoulders of the frontline staff. Much like Michael Jordan, they can't win the game by themselves. They need the support of their fellow teammates across the board to operate at a championship level.
Being a champion takes a lot of hard work. It takes long hours of practice and a never-say-quit attitude. The Chicago Bulls, New York Yankees and Green Bay Packers all have the awards and medals to show for their efforts. Unfortunately, care providers of loved ones with some form of memory impairment seldom get awards, but they do usually show their scars over time from the heavy load they bear.
Whether you provide care at home or in a professional setting, your championship-level care will be reflected in the eyes of those you serve. They will be content, honored and respected. Now that's Championship caliber care.