Wednesday, February 15, 2012

ADHD and Sleeplessness - The Connection Between The Two Along With Six Helpful Tips

If you struggle with ADHD symptoms you already know that getting a good night's sleep is next to impossible, that is unless you are so exhausted you seemingly can't stay awake one moment longer. But even if you seemingly can sleep okay you may experience difficulty getting to sleep, awaken regularly at night, or experience sluggishness for an uncharacteristically long-period of time after waking in the morning.
There are many different reasons why ADHD and sleeplessness seem to be such good bedfellows with two common explanations being hyper-fixation/focus ultimately dragging bedtime way past what was initially planned or pent-up nervous or hyperactive energy make winding down in a short period of time next to impossible.
There is also a possibility that there could be a sleep disorder lurking in the background depriving the brain of the important brain chemical serotonin while further disrupting ADHD neurotransmitter balance.
Sleep quality may also be an issue a worries may linger late into the night leading to tossing and turning.
Quick fact: It is estimated that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder sleep on average 30 minutes less than their peers.
Another important point worth mentioning is that those with the condition tend to be innately more sensitive to certain stimuli. Two great examples as they apply to ADHD and sleeplessness are light and sound.
This hypersensitivity would make it extremely difficult for someone with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to sleep during the day and/or when quite cannot be found.
Delving into the research
According to the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) ADHD can be divided up into three categories: predominately inattentive; hyperactive-impulsive; and the combined type.
In a study involving 582 children and teenagers it was determined that most problems related to sleep included snoring, insomnia, talking in ones sleep, sleep terrors, and bruxism (primarily hyperactivity and impulsivity).
This study also revealed a significant link between ADHD and sleeplessness in relation to specific subtypes of ADHD. The two subtypes most likely to experience problems with sleep were the inattentive type and hyperactive-impulsive type. The scientists also observed that inadvertent daytime napping was a common trait amongst study participants who had been diagnosed with these two types of ADHD.
In conclusion, there is an ever-growing amount of research supporting the conclusion that individuals with attention deficit disorder struggle with getting enough quality sleep.
Here are a six suggestions which might prove helpful if either you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or have children with the condition.
They are to: limit stimulating activities such as watching television or playing video games prior to bedtime; establish a consistent sleep routine and stick to it; eliminate intake of sugar or simple carbohydrates one hour before bedtime; eliminate any outside stimuli that might disrupt falling and staying asleep; closely monitor any medications taken in the evening as some contain ingredients disruptive to natural sleep patterns; and last but not least consider a homeopathic ADHD remedy specially formulated to help reduce ADHD symptoms and calm the mind.

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