Friday, March 16, 2012

Using Relaxation Techniques Can Help Treat Anxiety

Women suffer more nervous tension and increased levels of anxiety due to pressures and stresses that they encounter on a day to day basis. Thus, they need to improve their daily lives. Simple situations like being in crowds, riding in an elevator, and going to the dentist can already trigger emotional change for women. This may lead to anxiety, upset feelings or fear. More so, if a woman already feels anxious, the emotion will be more difficult to control if there are significant problems that may arise such as loss of a job, death within the family, financial problems, divorce or separation. Women should learn to deal with stress effectively to avoid losing her self-confidence and self-esteem. Anxiety may reduce self-worth in women as well as her capability to handle her daily responsibilities. Life stressors do not go away; it is just a matter of dealing with them that makes life worthwhile.
How you react to physical and emotional stress can be determined through your sympathetic nervous system. The nervous system is the one responsible for the flight or fight response during excitement and stress. It heightens and speeds up the pulse rate, muscle tension, respiration blood circulation and glandular function. If the symptoms of your anxiety are recurring, emotional upsets and change in lifestyle may cause your nervous system to overreact. If your life is very stressful, the sympathetic system is at all times prepared to respond to a disturbance leaving you tense constantly. Because of this, small stress factors can already upset you like big crisis. To bring back balance to your body, you must release the energy that you use during this crisis. Recurring experiences of fight or flight responses reduce reserve energy which leads to burnout emotionally and fatigue. Managing stress can put an end to this exhaustion and may even boost your level of energy.
There are some techniques to cope with stress effectively. Psychotherapy and counseling can be done for severe cases. For those who want to deal with stress by themselves, there are practical ways that you can do. To be able to become more responsible in handling your own problem, you must eliminate your ineffective way of dealing stress, you must learn new techniques in improving your habits, and you must also practice new techniques on a daily basis.
Reducing stress and relaxation exercises is also part of the program in treating anxiety. These self-help methods have significantly increased the well-being of many people and have improved their health physically. Exercises to reduce stress are good for women who are suffering from anxiety. It helps in alleviating symptoms of anxiety through meditation and focus, ground techniques, relaxing exercises, releasing of muscle tension, erasing techniques, affirmations, visualizations, and healing the inner child. All these methods can help you deal with stress effectively making your thoughts more peaceful and calm, and by learning to relax as you develop back your self confidence and self esteem. Practicing each technique can help you decide which of them can provide benefits and cure for you. Do it every day as much as possible.
Women with symptoms of nervous tension and anxiety that are recurring are usually attacked by negative thoughts. Every day your mind can be flooded with negative feelings, thoughts and fantasies which can make you upset. These thoughts can be related to finances, work and personal relationships, or unresolved health issues. These thoughts, if persistent, can lead to symptoms of anxiety and can be exhausting. Shutting off that inner voice and making the mind silent is important in this case.
An exercise that requires you to be quiet and be engage in simple and constant activity can release negative thoughts in your mind. Give yourself a break by emptying your mind. Meditation is also another way. It puts you into deep relaxation that may benefit not just the mind but the whole body. It is good for high blood pressure and reduces heart rate as well as muscle tension. It also gives you a good sleep. Practicing these techniques frequently can provide relief to anxiety by eliminating negative thoughts and resting the body. Your power to deal with stress should recover enormously.

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